Archive | November 8, 2013

Creative Writing Prompts for November: Hone Your Writing Abilities Writers!



It’s that time yet again, fellow writers and creative souls! Below are a list of creative, fun writing prompts to get those creative ideas flowing and keep your imagination broadened on the horizons.

Option 1:

  • You are a leaf and fall has started. Explain how you feel about this.
  • Make up your own evil species, or write a short story involving one of your favorite evil species.
  • You recently discovered that you have superhuman powers. Write it on how you received these abilities, how you would use these abilities, what powers you have and why, and also how it feels to have super abilities (the pros and cons).
  • Write about one of the riskiest, or joyous, memories that you have from a younger period of your life, or from recently.
  • Write about what peace on Earth would be like.
  • You are a caveman living in prehistoric times. Describe what it feels like to live in that time period, what it feels like to struggle to survive a dangerous, mysterious world, and what your mind-set is like.
  • Take the first line of your favorite song, or the first few lines of the chorus, and make it the beginning of a short story. Continue and see where those few lines take you.

Option 2:

Write prompts and tell stories beginning with one of these here lines:

“Behind her, silence echoed like a cruel enemy…”

“Time seemed to wrap around them into spirals and weaving energy consuming the air and brushing almost tangibly across their skins…”

“No one has seen the world through these eyes, my eyes, the way I have…”

“The sun cast down on her, making her skin glow with a golden aura as she…”

“The door screeched open with a bloodcurdling scream that prolonged as it slowly slid open…”

“He chased the moon across the night sky through incoming asteroids and clusters of stars with his hand outstretched, eager…”

These are the prompts for this month. Try a few out and you may be surprised by what your imagination can come up with.

Note: Top writing prompt is brought to you by

Until next month, write on!